It’s couples’ day! A few news items lately that involve ‘couples.’
Not-so-strange political bedfellows. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and current New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie seem to be wanting many of the same supporters and, more importantly right now, donors. Bush is winning the early returns and Christie, slipping from popularity since his peeps closed the bridges to New York, continues slip-sliding away in his ranking for the GOP nomination, which neither of them has announced for formally. Bush hasn’t ventured on to New Jersey turf yet, since that would be a breach of protocol, but he is burning up the phone lines to Christie supporter at the state level. And the Bush connections go much further back than Christie’s. Look for Christie not to run.
The Creepy Brothers. John Travolta and Vice President Joe Biden lately are in the news for being creepy. The Veep often says goofy things (what Veep hasn’t?) and lately is making news for questionable touching, like when he had his hands on the shoulders of the new defense secretary’s wife in what came across in news photos as just, uh, weird.
Weirder, though, was Travolta’s creepy hug and touching of Scarlet Johansson at the Oscars the other day. Of course that was after he was even weirder than last year (when he butchered pronouncing Indina Menzel’s name). This year, in the spirit of good nature and self-deprecation, he did a shtick with Menzel over last year’s incident, which showed he could be fun. But then he went all kitchy-kitchy-koo with her face on the stage during the shtick. Both are what we used to call “icky” in their behavior. Today, it’s just creepy.
Politics and Safety. Republicans in Congress are making it an odd couple by politicizing the funding for the Department of Homeland Security and holding it hostage to the President’s executive action on immigration. Really, boys? This is how you show you can govern, by threatening to shut down the homeland protection agency over your differences with the President on immigration? And Majority Leader Mitch McConnell thought he’d show the country what adults Republicans can be. As an old boss of mine used to say of right wingers, “they like to look good losing.” They will fall on their sword over a principle instead of doing the correct thing.
Dumb and Dumber. First former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani accuses the President of not loving America and then Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who is supposed to be a leading candidate for the GOP presidential nomination, punts when asked if Obama is a Christian by saying never talked to the President about that, so he wouldn’t know.
Boys, boys. Grow up, please. Walker I’ll chalk up to (being overly nice), it being his first time on the national stage and making a rookie error (and that is VERY generous) but Rudy? Really, Rudy? That’s what you’re going with, that the President doesn’t love the country or its people? Walker, based on the way the numbers work out (he appeals to conservatives but does well in blue states where the GOP moderates live) actually has a shot at the nomination. But a few more stupid answers like the ones he gave last week and he’ll be joining Gov. Christie on the sidelines.