No one in that caucus can put together the 217 votes he or she needs on the floor. That’s pretty much been proven by the fact that Steve Scalise, a conservative, experienced House leader couldn’t get the votes. That’s been proven by Kevin McCarthy being driven from the Speakership by a handful of Republicans. It was proven when Freedom Caucus co-founder Jim Jordan couldn't get the votes to win. Left to on their own, Republicans cannot elect a Speaker.
Blame the Democrats all they want; the out-party never supports the in-party electing a Speaker.
Which means nothing will get done in the House – nothing. The government will be shut down in less than a month causing all kinds of problems. Aid to Israel and Ukraine won’t be approved which means Russians will keep killing Ukrainians and Hamas will keep doing despicable things to Israelis, and Israelis will keep bombing Gaza.
It’s time for true bipartisanship. One has to believe that Democrats can join moderate Republicans and elect a speaker. The numbers are there.
It’s the right thing to do for the country. And, those moderates get elected in districts that support moderates, so their risk of loss is small.
The Freedom Caucus doesn’t want government to work. Just look at their record. Matt Goetz just likes to raise money and his “brand.” Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Crazytown) and Lauren Boebert (R-Public theater embarrassment) just want attention.
The only way is for Republicans to join Democrats and elect a Speaker. Anyone who knows me knows I'm no Polyanna. But there is no choice but for Republicans to join with Democrats and elect a Speaker.
For the good of the country.
And right away.