Those folks in Boston -- first responders, hospital emergency doctors, nurses and staff, and those not-so-ordinary citizens who ran back toward the bomb sites to tend to people who were seriously injured, some who lost legs. Let me repeat that "not-so-ordinary citizens who ran back toward the
bomb sites (there could have been more bombs) to tend to people who .... lost legs." Have you ever seen someone who just lost a limb? I haven't and hope i never do. If i did, i'm not sure I could react as quickly, compassionionately
and unselfishly as those folks did.
Now, let's move to Washington, D.C., and look at the lack of courage senators showed in voting AGAINST something that not only 90 percent of us agree with, but that makes perfect sense even if "we" didn't and the Senate showed, i don't know, let's call it LEADERSHIP on something.
I mean, really, senators, you can't vote for extended background checks before someone buys a product that can kill someone else?? Give me a good, logical reason for that, please.
Bert Lahr played the Cowardly Lion for laughs in the Wizard of Oz. I guess those senators are playing it for laughs too. Not funny, guys.