As I watched my Facebook feed today, others are starting to post headlines from New York like the one here. So, let’s just, instead of having angst over who’s up and who’s down and what outlandish thing Donald Trump has said or Twitter-ed, just sit back and enjoy the next almost two weeks and what an active primary in New York can provide for entertainment.
Trump will be (even more) unleashed because in New York City anything goes, so he can mock his opponents with even more abandon, even though that may conflict with his need to be more “presidential” as he tries to wrap up the nomination or ease the minds of the 80 percent or so of the voters who are scared to death what he might do as president.
For example, when Sarah Palin endorsed Trump back in January, the Daily News ran a picture of the two of them and the headline Intimating Palin saying, “I’m With Stupid.” Or also in January when Ted Cruz accused Trump of having “New York values” and the News ran with “Drop Dead Ted” with the subhead, hinting at Trump’s allegation that Cruz was born in Canada and thus not a U.S. Citizen, “Hey Cruz, you don’t like N.Y. values? Go back to Canada.”
Or when Trump lost his fist caucus ever in Iowa and the News ran a mock-up of Trump in sad clown face with the headline, “Dead Clown Walking” only to follow up a week later when Trump won New Hampshire with Trump in smiling clown face and the headline, “Dawn of the Brain Dead” and the subhead “Clown comes back to life with N.H. win as mindless zombies turn out in droves.”
Finally, a newspaper worthy of covering the Trump campaign.