Not to put the two in the same sentence, but I'ill put them in the same blog post.
Christie is caught up in a scandal involving an apparent petty payback over a Democrat mayor's refusal to endorse the governor's re-election last year. Christie is a Republican. Now I don't pretend to ever have understood New Jersey politics -- I've taken the position to just "fergitaboutit" -- but a Democrat mayor not endorsing a Republican does not seem an outrage to me. Especially in a year when Christie was expected to win, and did, big so what difference did the endorsement make?
Allegedly in retaliation, Christie senior staffers ordered a shutdown of a couple of lanes on the George Washington Bridge (which, I believe, is the most traveled bridge in the world) at the beginning of September (meaning not just rush hour jam ups but rush hour plus returning school buses jam-up). Christie denied his office was behind the snarls. Then two senior staffers resigned and, yesterday, emails came to light showing his senior staff did order the traffic jams but not, yet, showing any culpability by the governor.
The jury is still out on whether Christie was involved or "just" his top people. Whichever, the buck stops at the governor's desk. Christie has polished an image as a tough-minded governor who speaks his mind -- to everyone. Constituents, reporters. He, in some conservatives' minds, thumbed his nose at GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romeny mid-campaign when, in the middle of a natural disaster in his state, he welcomed President Obama with open arms when he toured the damaged areas. Some consider him a bully and some believe that is the image he wanted (there's a grey border between bully and speak your mind).
He immediately was put literally in the lead for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination off that image. Now, that image is the thing that may just cut his presidential knees off. No one likes a bully.
Rodman, well I won't waste much space on him. He is a former very good pro basketball player who always was "weird." Dyed his hair all kinds of colors, pierced his body in places that make most of us cringe and was, well, weird. He played on the Michael Jordan Chicago teams so his role as a "support" player was huge. He's finished playing ball and has become BFFs with Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, one of the most notorious leaders in the world, who recently had his own uncle killed because the uncle was trying to more open the Korean society.
Rodman parties with the leader and is over there celebrating Kim's birthday. Rodman brought some former pro basketball players to play a game for him, too. Then, Rodman, on a CNN broadcast press conference, freaked out, yelling about how Kim is right to be holding an American prisoner, who was arrested on questionable (for normal countries) charges and now is literally wasting away in a prison in the face of humanitarian and family cries for his release. In short, Rodman defending the little dictator on global TV. Today, Rodman said he was drunk during the press conference. Oh, OK, never mind then...he was drunk.
If being drunk becomes an acceptable excuse for unacceptable behavior, Katie, please bar that door.