C'mon people, he did the right thing and he did it likely with a risk of losing his speakership. I doubt that will happen despite the conservative groups calling for his head (and, I'm sure, sending out fund-raising letters repeating that). I think Speaker Boehner is as fed up with his caucus as most of the rest of the country. He knows not passing a debt limit extension is bad politics for his party, and he knows it's lousy policy, too.
My guess is there are more than a few of those GOPer's who voted against his debt limit extension (only 21 supported him) who knew it would pass so it was a "free vote" for them. Not the first time that's happened in the Congress and not the last, I'm sure. Also not a profile in courage.
For me, I empathized with the Speaker when he couldn't get a bill passed in his caucus, noting he is a more of deal guy than a "just say no" guy,and I applaud him now for putting the country first.
I hope others join me.