How do you lose a 777? As the days roll by with no word or sightings, the speculation now is that someone, someone with a great deal of knowledge about 777's, took it and the 200-plus people aboard. To what end? There have been no demands for ransom, that we've heard about. There have been no threats about what they'll do if something else isn't given to t hem -- a release of prisoners or something.
I have nothing to add to add to the debate, because I have no inside info or insights that others haven't expressed already. One thing I'll say though, I have seen experts quoted as saying they didn't know a "handshake" existed in the tracking. A "handshake" is signal that gets emitted every hour and sent to a satellite. It apparently doesn't give a location, though. If the experts didn't' know about the handshake, how did the alleged hijacker?
If you watch cable news (which I haven't), but reviewers write that there is much speculation (guessing) going on. I wish they'd stop that. News isn't guessing. News is, well, news -- fact-based reporting not high-paid talking heads (yes, most of them are paid to have opinions). How do I get one of those gigs?) .