Do egos get any bigger? Do bank accounts? No to the former, yes to the latter. I’m late to the game commenting on Trump because, well, I didn’t want to. But now that he’s near the top of the GOP polls (hello, Michelle Bachman!), I figure I should contribute my 2 cents.
Can anyone reading this imagine Donald Trump as President of the United States? I didn’t think so. But he is the King of Media Coverage at the moment. Which, along with his high name ID, has put him at the top of the popularity polls that serve as (silly at this time) measurements of who the GOP will choose as its candidate for 2016. Enjoy your moment, The Donald (Trump is so rich, he gets his own definite article – “the”!!) because when it’s over, I’m not sure what you do to repair the business abandonments you’ve experienced. You can’t take back words like:
"The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems. It’s true. And these aren't the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime; they're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
But then again maybe you can. I mean, Trump was saying exactly the opposite of these things a few years ago when he only toyed with the idea of running for president. Changing one’s mind is allowed but you’re changing everything about yourself, except your over bloated ego. The one thing that could use a makeover.
Bye-bye contracts with Macy’s, the PGA, chefs for his new DC hotel, NBC and Univision. They will not come back. Not that he needs their money (though those who work for him may). But he does need the exposure they gave him because if Donald Trump says stupid things in a forest, can he be heard?
I read a column by someone who said that despite the complaints by Republican leaders, Trump is merely mirroring many of the things people perceive that party to stand for – no immigrants, no abortions, no gay marriage, no…well, just write “no” and fill in the blank after it. Because the conventional wisdom is the GOP is against whatever “it” is.
You reap what you sow, GOP, and you sowed these beliefs getting a megaphone beyond their true numbers of votes. For you might win a primary election with those votes, but not a general. And, by the way, those views are wrong for a democratic society. Now, we see 16 or 20 or whatever number of Republican presidential candidates trying to not alienate those voters but also keep their options open to move to the middle for the general election. Well, except for Jeb Bush who says he won’t do that. The proof is in the pudding, Puddin’, and we’ll see if he can walk the talk and resist the temptation to out-right the rightest of his opponents.
Meantime, before the Big Event really gets rolling, the campaign is being overtaken by Trump. Well, we all could use a good laugh right now. But let's keep Trump in perspective.