If we believe, and by “we” I mean all the pundits who’ve been talking ad infinitum to us about what’s really going on in the campaign, then Donald Trump now will become “presidential” and less stupid in his ideas and behavior. Even though we’ve all watched as he flies by the seat of his pants at the podium and, basically, makes up his own policies, and other “facts,” on the fly. So Corey Lewandowski leaving shouldn’t make a whit of difference.
Where him leaving could make a slight difference is in the relationships between the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee, the Trump campaign and donors, and the Trump campaign and (some) reporters. Maybe they actually can build an organization, get some money in the door, and not tick off reporters. Thought it’s a bit late in the game to achieve all that.
Personally, I think this campaign has always been about what Donald Trump wants and will ever remain thus. So even if Lewandowski’s leaving buys a couple of weeks respite as Trump builds his campaign and relationships that will end quickly. As Trump would say, “believe me.” And, by the way, will voters buy a new Donald Trump? A less offensive and more moderately fashioned Donald Trump? Have we all become that cynical?
I don’t know whether Trump ever really wanted to be president – “some people” say he didn’t – but he’s stuck with it now. He either wins the election – and is flummoxed about how to be an effective president and live a lesser life style than he’s accustomed to – or he loses the election, and becomes the worst thing you can be in Trump World, a LOSER.
He loses either way seems to me. But at least the country wins with one of those options.