But in writing down my thoughts it occurred to me: Those who support this Administration love it when the media is under attack and when folks like me defend it. So, I’m not going to do that, today.
Today I want to talk to whoever among you is a Trump supporter and/or an opponent of the so-called “mainstream media.” Those of you who love it when Trump attacks them, as if they truly are the enemy of the people. Even if I agreed with that view, I would not cheer him on in those efforts. His efforts would scare me.
So, for whatever his reasons – political positioning, honest disregard for the mainstream media or whatever – he is simply posturing and, even if he’s not, watch out, because you could be next.
If you don’t like the mainstream media you probably are a fan either of conservative/right wing media sites or liberal/progressive sites. Sites who, left and right, really do twist the news for either own purposes.
Let me tell you something: If you let Trump get away with what he’s trying to do to the mainstream media, your media will be next.
I don’t think Trump has an idealistic bone in his body. I don’t think he pledges allegiance to any political ideology. I think he pledges allegiance only to himself -- either what makes him money or makes him popular. And in his twisted-when-it-comes-to-the-truth mind, he only believes things that reinforce those two goals.
He attacks the mainstream media because that is popular with many of those who elected him, and it diverts from the truth of what he is doing, or not doing. If he ever should accomplish what I consider the impossible and “defeats” the mainstream media, he’s coming next after your media, “believe me.”
Trump wants only what’s good for Trump. Take the alleged collusion with the Russians to put a finger on the election results. Do I think they colluded? No, I’ve seen no evidence of that to this point and, since it would be treason, I have trouble accepting that there was collusion. But there is smoke so we should investigate to see if there is fire just to be sure. It's too important a possibility not to be sure. Not to "get Trump" but to protect our democracy from other countries.
But look at how the President is handling that investigation. He calls it false. He says the Democrats made it up because they lost the election (even though his own party controls the Congress and he controls the Executive, which are the branches of government investigating him). He says the media is quoting anonymous sources who shouldn’t be given credibility (even though his own White House, and he, have and are giving information out anonymously themselves).
If he is not guilty of anything, then why not let the investigation go unimpeded and let the investigators find what he already knows – that there was no collusion.
Why? Because either there was collusion or it fits his belief that attacking anyone who questions him is the best policy. And if that includes trampling on the First Amendment, then so be it.
And, if the investigations are allowed to proceed and he is right – that there was no collusion – then it only would serve to make him credible and probably boost his sagging popularity. For him, a terrific result.
At the moment, he doth protest too much.
But if he succeeds in his efforts to “beat” the mainstream media, he has more rights to trample on – any rights that he feels get in the way of his being lauded as the greatest thing since sliced bread.
You want an example of the kind of leadership he has shown he respects? Look to North Korea or other despot-led countries who control any news its citizens see and holds back any human rights they deserve.
So my message here, to those who don’t support the mainstream media, which has its flaws, or who are still supporting a clearly unqualified man for whom the stars aligned and he was elected, think hard about how you’ll feel when he comes after what you believe in. Because he will.
Watch as he who demands “loyalty” to Trump from whomever works for him (including the former FBI director) yet tosses his loyalists under the bus when it serves his purpose. Don’t believe me? Ask Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The then-senator who put his reputation on the line by being the first Republican Senator to endorse Trump, received his reward being named Attorney General, and then was thrown under the bus because he didn’t stay in charge of the Russia investigation so he could protect the President – even though duty to country demanded he recuse himself. The oath of office is not to any person … it is to the Constitution.
Trump is not a conservative, look at his life record, his donations and his public comments, from abortion to human rights to foreign policy. And, he’s no liberal because he abandoned those beliefs as soon as it fit his purpose.
He is a man who believes in only himself and who believes you must too – at all costs. The costs though are far too high.
So if you smile as he attacks the media for being “dishonest” or “out to get him” or whatever other narcissistic acting out he does, remember…you can, and likely will, be next.