I already have my Medicare card. Because right now I am – 65!!! Holy crap! I’ve had grandkids for 20 years but today I feel like I really am old enough to have grandkids. Did I say OMG? (Even if I don’t know what OMG stands for?).
I’m 65. I have a Medicare card. And I’m retired. That, my friends, is getting old(er). I know, I know…everyone will tell me throughout the day that 65 is the new 45. To that I say, BS (which is older than OMG). And to those who tell me that I say: When YOU are 65, YOU think about it being the new 45.
While we all have longer life expectancy I’m not sure we all look forward to have longer life expectancy that means we are OLD. I know, it’s far better than the alternative, and I’m grateful that I am 65 and healthy. While I may be 65, I don’t feel 65. In our heads we’re always kids, right? It wasn’t until recently, after seeing pictures of myself (a lot of pictures of myself to prove it wasn’t photo-shopped) that I accept I have grey hair, not greyING hair, but grey hair. When I look in the mirror I still don’t see it. Ok, I’ll go get my eyes checked.
We look at other folks our age and say, “wow, he/she is getting old.” Uh, we are the SAME age!!! If they look old, you do too. Just maybe not to yourself.
But I am not whining. We age, there is nothing we can do about that. Well, there is, but I don’t consider it an option. Sixty-five though, to me, is like shouting YOU ARE OLD. I mean, 70 is next (I hope).
Enough though. As they say (too often) these days, “it is what it is” (a dumber cliché I don’t think I’ve heard). And today I am 65.
I embrace it. I’ve had a good life so far. And I’m hoping it can only get better. Instead of looking at aging as getting old, let’s look at it as enjoying longevity.
Happy longevity to me.