I can't stop smiling.
Part of the reason I can't stop smiling is that I'm so happy for my daughter who is....a mother? How did THAT happen? Well, I know how it happened, but ..well, how did I get three daughters old enough to have two children each? And, two of the other grandsons are graduating from high school this year. So, I have range -- two grandsons who are 18 and two grandchildren who are four weeks and two days old.
If you look closely, Coop has his hands in a position that looked like -- well, I don't know what they were doing, but it was, funny, or is that because he's my grandson? Emma, below, is just well, what's the right word? Oh yeah, perfect. After five grandsons, Emma is the first granddaughter. And she is delicious. I have no other point to this post -- except to say, I can't wait for the next visit.