- If Donald Trump believes, as he has said, that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes, why doesn’t he release his taxes? If wounding or killing someone doesn’t merit losing a vote, I imagine he also believes that being caught lying about his finances wouldn’t lose him any either.
- I read many people say that if Donald Trump were elected president we’d be protected because he’d have good advisors around him. Why do they think it would be different from his campaign where even those few good advisors aren’t listened to? Typical day: Trump says something outrageous. The Senate Majority Leader and Speaker of the House criticize him and even his running mate often tries to walk it back. An hour later, Trump is saying the same thing in an even more outrageous way. And taking the oath of office would change that how?
- Does Jeffrey Lord, the former Reagan White House aide and current Trump supporter, go home every night and take six showers to cleanse himself of his defenses of every Trump stupid statement?
- In a sign of the changing times, Katie Perry sang and, rather than the candles or Bic lighters folks swayed in rhythm when I was a kid, the audience was swaying their iPhone flashlight.
- “Woman President.” Drives me crazy when I see the phrase. Not because I have any problem with a FEMALE president but because “woman” is noun and not an adjective. The correct way to say it is first “female president.”
- Hillary Clinton certainly has a very strong resume to be president but the constant drumbeat that she is the “most experienced ever…man or woman” overlooks George H.W. Bush’s resume when he ran for president. She was First Lady, senator, secretary of state. He was CIA Director, RNC chairman, China envoy, Congressman, ambassador to the United Nations, vice president.
- Democrat celebrities: Katy Perry, Meryl Streep, Eva Longoria, dozens in the music video of “Fight Song,” Paul Simon, Carol King and 40 Broadway stars like Audra MacDonald, Indina Menzel and Brian Stokes Mitchell, just to name a few. Republican celebrities: Scott Baio, Antonio Sabato Jr. and that guy from Duck Dynasty.
- Ronald Reagan was known for, among other things, his tremendous optimism. So much so that his “Morning in America” slogan from 1984 was mocked by some. Donald Trump did his version but “Midnight in America” doesn’t exactly motivate the same kind of feelings.
- Since when are the children of presidential candidates among the leading star speakers at conventions? I mean, really? At the GOP convention a Trump kid spoke every night, spinning tales about their father that he contradicted when it came his turn to speak.
- Democrats clearly won the Battle of the Conventions. Trump's promise of an entertaining convention turned out to be broken.
- Watched a lot of CNN – more than in years. Their bulletin of Breaking News included promoting the new CNN app and under the banner of Breaking News we were told Hillary/Trump would speak “momentarily.” Never happened. We seemed to always wait at least an hour and a half before they started. And, by the way, since when (other than Bill Clinton) do candidates keep voters waiting so long after the scheduled hour?
- The day after the Democratic convention Trump went on a riff about the Clinton and DNC emails, saying only idiots would put anything important in an email and longed for the old days of couriers. He said Patton would never have relied on emails, implying he would wait days at the front for a courier to deliver a message to him rather than have an immediate warning of the latest intelligence.
- Trump criticizes Clinton for not doing a presser in months and calls it “disgusting” and not transparent. Kind of like him not releasing his tax returns.
- In a riff criticizing what he says is the bias of CNN -- the Clinton News Network as he called it – he said, “wait, the red light just went off CNN’s camera.” Crooked CNN he said was cutting him off the air! Huge applause for his calling them out. I was watching it live – on CNN.
- Trump said Bernie Sanders sold his soul by endorsing Clinton who Bernie had criticized for months; same as Chris Christie who is now running Trump's transition operation.
- Trump said the US is like a third-world country. I have no wise crack for that.
- Trump said Bernie looked miserable and depressed at the DNC. Apparently he never watched Bernie who campaigned as an angry old man.
- Just a hunch, I think the soon-to-open Trump Hotel in D.C. will go bankrupt.
1 Comment
8/1/2016 06:02:10 pm
Verily, except for the last. There's a significant potential clientele out there. Notoriety breeds interest/business, just like "Any publicity is good publicity." I remain convinced it was all for branding.
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February 2025
B. Jay CooperB. Jay is a former deputy White House press secretary to Presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush. He also headed the communications offices at the Republican National Committee, U.S. Department of Commerce, and Yale University. He is a former reporter and is the retired deputy managing director of APCO Worldwide's Washington, D.C., office. |