- Donald Trump seems to get bigger the smaller he gets. I mean, he trashed John McCain, saying a guy who endured five years of torture and passed on his early release for heroic reasons is a loser and not a hero because he was captured. I guess those thousands of men and women wounded or killed in war weren't heroes either or they would not have allowed themselves to be shot or killed.
- Heroes aren’t captured, Mr. Trump seems to believe. Though he’s been captured by the need to “brand” oneself and say outlandish, stupid things to grab headlines. And make money. He seems to believe more money means more intelligence and more success. He thinks building a wall will keep out those pesky illegals who bring rape and robbery to our homeland. He seems to think he really should be president of the United States when most people are attending his rallies to see how big a buffoon he can be. Let me save those people the trip: he’s a huge buffoon.
- Politicians who are hesitant to say what they believe are also not being honest (shocking!). Why be afraid to take on the above mentioned Mr. Trump, for example? For fear of losing, as Sen. McCain called them, the “crazies” who seem to hunger for Mr. Trump’s rhetoric? As also stated above a chunk of his popularity and poll-leading numbers is a combination of celebrity-seeking folks who want to see him up close (ahh…television) and a not-so-thrilled sentiment yet for the other 999 GOP candidates trying to get attention. After all, in spite of the pundits and political creatures so focused on the 2016 race, not a lot of people are really paying attention to the race now.
- So maybe these aren’t random thoughts.
- But another thing: We do have to measure Mr. Trump with a new yardstick. The “game” of politics is changing even if we don’t fully see it y yet. Social media and “celebrity/branding” are new kids on the block. Heck, I read where Mr. Trump makes tens of millions of dollars by doing nothing, just lending his name (brand) to projects. Politicians and pundits/press are judging him by the old rules and what was “fair” and expected 10, 15 years ago. The world has changed. I’m not saying I like it, but it’s changed and there are new boundaries at play. Social media has played a big role in that change. A week ago, everyone was saying his bubble burst with the McCain remarks. But not yet, though a Washington Post poll did indicate some slide in his numbers the day after he made those comments. Polls over the next week should tell a fuller story.
- Oh, did I mention Mr. Trump publicly gave out Sen. Lindsey Graham's cell phone number? So courageous!!! Look, I give out private phone numbers. For senators! I'm tough enough to be President! Oh, you thought that was petty?
- And, I while Hillary Clinton’s bubble hasn't burst, I talk to a lot of Democrats who will be holding their noses when they have to vote for her. As the polls are showing, people do not view her as trustworthy and honest. When was the last time we elected a President who folks didn’t, before they voted for him (they were all hims then) think the candidate was honest and trustworthy? But, that day's a-coming.
- So, all these random thoughts I guess add up to – it’s a new world with new measurements and new ways of communicating, and we don’t really know how to interpret it all yet.
- Except that, by any measurement, Donald Trump should not and will not be president.