Indiana and its bad “perception.” Not sure what else can be said that hasn't already been said: dumb law, dumb explanation by the governor whose presidential aspirations are history already. And, really, the business owner won’t make pizzas for gay weddings? Oh my, the horror!!! No pizza with a groom and groom on top! I mean, how many weddings have you gone to – straight or gay – where the menu was pizza? The pizza shop owner who said that made a mockery of the issue, as did the state legislature by passing such a dumb thing.
Hillary’s emails. So, she had her own server (who among us doesn’t?). She wrote government emails on it, but nothing with confidential info in them. And she deleted a ton. With a Clinton you can bet being transparent will never be transparent.
Chris Christie hasn’t been in the news lately. A good thing for his reputation. A bad thing for his presidential ambitions. Does the phrase stick a fork in him mean anything to you?
The gang that can’t shot straight. So, the Republicans take over the Senate, giving them control of Congress, and they pledge to demonstrate they can govern. So far we’ve gotten: a freshman senator rallying almost all his colleagues to send a letter to the leadership of Iran to try to scuttle an agreement the President is negotiating, saying he won’t be president long and we’ll undo it. I have no idea if the agreement the U.S. is negotiating is good or bad. I’m no nuclear or treaty expert. Even if I understood the issue better, who knows if all the key details are public yet? But, having senators send such a letter is an embarrassment. That’s not how our government works. The Senate has a role but sending such letters isn’t part of it. There was also the fight over funding the Department of Homeland Security. Really? THAT’s the fight you pick? Oh, and it was over the issue of immigration, another real winning position the GOP has chosen. Anyway, Republicans need to demonstrate to the country (not a sliver of their party) that they can govern and they’re worthy of the adjective “majority.” That’s not to give the Democrats a free ride on their lack of leadership ability but they are in the minority now and the pressure has shifted to the other side of the aisle.
Breaking with their past, stupidly. The Indiana and Arkansas laws that would have discriminated against gays and lesbians also would have had a terrible effect on business in those states. Already some folks had cancelled trips to the states. Bigger businesses were threatening to leave the states or cancel expansions. Apple and Walmart (which could argue they own Arkansas economically) made strong statements against the laws. Now, the Republican Party has always been tagged -- for better or worse -- as the party of business. Which also translated often into good size contributions from those businesses who preferred Republican solutions on taxes and spending and regulations to Democratic versions. Enter the recent furor over the laws and if those states had stuck to their guns (which they pointed at their own heads, by the way), businesses would have been forced to NOT contribute to the GOP. Talk about creating a circular firing squad.