The big debate in the GOP presidential primary right now is how to handle a debate among so many candidates? How can we fit so many candidates on one stage? How can we allow enough time for each to speak? How do we not make it so boring no one will watch?
So, we have debate hosts (so far Fox News and CNN) saying that what they’ll do is winnow the field for us! Thank you cable news networks! It’s not enough you have made watching a little boy floating uncontrolled in a runaway air balloon must-see TV, even though there is no boy in the balloon. Or, watching OJ being chased at 20 miles an hour, more TV that cannot be missed. Or other non-news events that become news because you put them on 24/7..thus is news made. Or, having anchors, male and female, black and white, so horribly ill-trained for their jobs that rather than tune to your channel I have forgone watching cable news. Thank cable news for, now, taking away our right to choose our elected officials, without you taking a whack first.
I get it. You’re gonna winnow the field by reviewing the current polls (which, of course, are our opinions so you’re not responsible. Ass covered.) and that makes it fair.
Let’s see, a few years ago a sitting governor of one of our largest states – who had been leading the polls for a spell – made an “oops” in a debate and ended his candidacy, for that cycle anyway. From head of the class to class dunce on one seemingly simple question. Oh, and there was that skinny African American fellow some years ago who no one thought had a chance of winning his party’s nomination, let alone the White House. Whatever happened to him?
So, this year, the Republicans, already faced with being perceived as the party that hates women and hates minorities now will likely lose its only female and black candidates, at least in the cable news audience consciousness,
because they didn’t make the Top 10. Voted off the island by the honchos at cable news networks. So, the party that is perceived to be the party of old white men will remain thus, even when they actually do have a more (slightly) diverse field. Thank you to the old white men who make the decisions at the cable news networks! How could we manage our lives without you?
And you wonder why only two families seem to be providing presidents lately.