since then is...spring sprung here in DC!
We've gone from overcoat weather to, most days, no-coat weather. The cherry blossoms have come, and gone.
Two biggest signs of spring in my house -- the heat is off and the water guy came to turn on the lawn sprinkler! Better than seeing your first robin.
What else is new? At the Master's golf tournament in Augusta, Sergio had a good first round, then fell back in the second (not news; Sergio's collapse is annual event just like the azaleas). Tiger had a good start, then hit bad luck, and a flag pole that caromed his ball back into the lake (I've made that shot a few times myself -- well the hitting ball in the lake part anyway --, don't know what the big deal is). And a 14-year-old from China made the cut after he, a 14-year-old from China, was penalized for playing too slowly. Hey, officials, haven't you been watching the PGA tour? You'd think they were performing open heart surgery with the care (and time) they take to before striking a two-foot putt. But the 14-year-old, from China, gets the penalty playing in his first Master's. I'd say it was payback for buying our debt but it was a European tour official who
made the call.
On a bigger news front, that Millennial who runs North Korea is stoking the nuclear fires apparently just so he can get more money from other countries. That's diplomacy in his playbook. Extortion in mine.