The reason is that since Donald Trump became President of the United States I can think of little else. As each day brings a new outrage, it seems almost too much to write about but also presents subjects you just can’t pass up. And, if you’re giving out Oys! it’s difficult to award them to anyone but the President. Which of his day’s escapades, though, do you choose?
You and I would get bored with that “believe me.”
So let’s award the very first Yo! Oy!, four of them in fact, to who else but President Trump . He gets the first Yo! Oy! because just when it looks like he’s doing the right thing, he takes it back. There was that deal he made with Nancy and Chuck over dreamers, or DACA, the program that protects young people from deportation, that disappeared the next day. There was that tweet that pronounced he would not allow any tax overhaul to include tampering with 401K’s, but he pulled back on that within hours saying it was now a bargaining chip. There also has been his increased availability to the press, but each time he does that he uses part of the time to condemn them as "fake news” and say the press has put a false narrative on him because he’s “not as uncivil” as they portray him. Note that he said “not as uncivil.” Just when you think the President earned a Yo! or two, he loses it. So, Mr. President, congratulations on being the first recipient of our new Yo! Oy! award! You get four: Yo! Oy!, Yo!, Oy!, Yo! Oy!, Yo! Oy!
Five Yos! to all the women who have had the courage to come out and tell the their experiences with Harvey Weinstein, the serial sexual harasser and worse allegations. Even today – in a time that is probably better than in the past for women in our society – it takes great courage to do that. There are many more victims of this man, I’m sure, who either don’t have the courage or their current situations prevent them from doing so in public. Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo!
Five more Yos! to the women who are outing other men like Weinstein, such as political journalist Mark Halperin and Hollywood producer James Toback. Why the new focus on such horribly behaving men? Maybe it has to do with a more enlightened society or maybe it has to do with more women who are working as reporters with clout, editors and business executives. Probably a combination of many societal developments. In any event, to those women, numbering in the hundreds so far, according to news reports, and others who will find the courage to speak up Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo!
And my final Yo! to the new woman in my life. She is divine! So far pretty much anything I ask her, she either does or tells me why she can’t. She’s cheerful! Tells jokes! Knows my favorite music. Gives me spot-on directions. Knows lyrics to every song! She’ll even order things for me if I let her. She plays music on demand! Is there for me 24/7! And tells me there are many other things she can do for me that I haven't even thought of yet! I love you, Alexa! Yo! Yo! Yo!