I read “This Town” over the weekend. The book by the snarky New York Times reporter Mark Leibovich, who is the formerly snarky Washington Post reporter, is about the self-importance of Washington and the players in this town play – how they suck up, kowtow, fawn, curry favor, lick boots, fall all over, pander to, etc. etc. and so forth. The book is funny enough that the New York Times Book Review had the equally snarky Christopher Buckley do the review.
In non-literary news, we have the self-important former congressman Anthony Weiner who is running for mayor of New York City and now has been caught sexting after he was caught Twittering his private parts and apologized for it. And still he runs for mayor of the most important (after D.C., of course) city in the world.
On the other side of the country lives the self-important Bob Filner, mayor of San Diego, who is a self-admitted serial harasser of women who announced he will heal himself by undergoing two (count ‘em two!) intense weeks of therapy. He will, of course, keep doing the city’s business while in this intense therapy and plans to continue to do the city’s business after he’s cured in two weeks. Uh, despite everyone wanting him to resign (Well, not everyone. A poll shows 67 percent of San Diego’s residents want him out. But it's only Monday).
How do you spell narcissist?
Back to “This Town.” The snarky Mr. Leibovich, one could say, merely wrote a book about how Washington works – how the media play off the politicos who play off the lobbyists who play off the event planners who play off the fund
raisers who play off the media and the circle goes round and round.
As you can see from the trials (well not – yet – in the legal sense) and tribulations of Messrs. Weiner and Filner, fact is pretty funny. Or at least you have to take it that way otherwise you’d cry.
As to Weiner – he’s never gonna be mayor of Dogpatch let alone the Big Apple. And Filner, get the marmalade because he’s toast too.
This town, though, will live on. Thank goodness. Or something.