Attacks on a Gold Star mother, apparently an attack on a mother in his audience, refusal to endorse Congressional leaders who endorsed him. But his worst comment may be alleging that the November election is rigged.
First, it isn’t. Study after study has shown that the allegations of voter fraud in a federal election are tiny over the years. No one anywhere is voting 10 times, as Trump alleged. No one is trying to steal the election from or for anyone. He offers no evidence of the system being rigged. My guess is since he's falling in the polls, he thinks the system has to be rigged. First, the polls aren't rigged. In any event, the polls are not the votes that will be cast in November. The polls mean nothing and depend on the methodology used for each one and the timing.
But if Trump continues that claim, when he does lose in November, we could have protests and worse from his truest supporters who for some reason believe this man and his lies. Protests are okay. Our system allows for that, and I'm glad it does. But Trump and his people seem to be calling for violence if he loses the election.
Of all the things he’s said, that may be the most dangerous – claiming a presidential election is rigged. This man truly knows no decency.
I won’t repeat what others have written – for example that even Al Gore, who won the popular vote but lost in the Electoral College bowed out more than gracefully – because why repeat all that?
I will say, there is no choice between Trump and Clinton. My friends who know I’m going to vote for Clinton harangue me with arguments like “what about the Supreme Court,” “what about her liberal policies,” “how can you trust what she says?” And more.
Trump is basically inciting violence if he loses the election. The most important responsibility a president has is to keep America and its citizens safe. Inciting riots is not keeping us safe.
Add to that Trump’s ignorance of the importance of international alliances, his ignorance of the dangerous ramifications of using a nuclear weapon, his compliments of dictators like Kim Jong-un or his praise of Putin’s leadership – all these are disqualifications for the office of president. All of these endanger our safety.
If anyone trusts Trump more than Clinton to wisely exercise the presidency’s responsibilities for keeping America safe, well, I’d make a joke here but the topic is far too serious to joke about. We will survive her policies. We always survive bad policies. But we may not survive the danger Trump poses to our country's safety.
Most recent polls are showing a distinct turn toward Clinton. Don’t believe them. Polls will change. In fact, don’t believe any predictions until the night of November 8 when, I hope, Clinton is elected – legitimately.