What will I do with my days? I know some of this but not all; then again not sure I have to have an agenda for every day either. After all, it is “retirement” which Merriam-Webster defines as “withdrawal from one’s position or occupation or working life.” I do see more household chores in my future though, which is fine with me (and fine with my wife, by the way).
How do I deal with medical insurance? I don’t mean where do I find it but today, for example, I called my health insurer to find out why, after years, a prescription I take (it’s a vitamin; one pill so I don’t have to take 20 different vitamins) no longer is available to me in 90-day supplies. They informed me all of a sudden that I can only get a
monthly supply and, of course, for a higher cost. Why? She said: it goes beyond the normal adult dosage. Folks, it’s a vitamin!! What happens when my health insurance issues are more complicated (but the logic of their answers is no more
Which brings up, how do I deal with being on a fixed income? Things like paying a higher cost for prescriptions become more important. Things like a cell phone bill become more important, after all, I barely use my cell phone. I’ve always been a, how you say, “frugal” guy. Is there a word such as “frugaler”?
What hobbies do I have? Well, not many, really. There’s golf. There’s reading. Can I all of a sudden become a skilled home repair guy (my best friends -- member these were my BEST friends -- used to call me “Fingers” because I couldn’t hammer a nail. Oh, and once, as they were helping me paint a new apartment – MY new apartment – when I asked
where I should start, the two of them said, in unison: “the closets”).
Which volunteer work should I pursue? Well, first you should do something that you have a passion for and of course, that helps others. Second, that kind of thing needs to be available in the area you’re going to live. So, procrastinator that I am, I’m putting that decision off (too) for now.
Maybe I should get a dog? I came close a couple of times but realized owning a dog is a bigger commitment than marriage. I mean, you can’t decide to be late coming home because you’re out with the boys; the dog can’t hold it in forever. And, of course, the dog relies on its owner to feed him. You can’t go away for a few days or weeks without figuring out care for your dog. So, so far, no dog.
I’m on a university’s board, which requires some time that I haven’t given sufficiently so far, but want to. I have six grandchildren, and I’ve barely spent time with any of them, so I want to do that, if they’ll have me. Same goes for my three daughters. I have friends I’ve unfortunately lost touch with because our lives have gone in different directions geographically. But I miss them, so I hope to reconnect. There’s this blog, which I enjoy doing. And, maybe there’s other writing I’ll pursue.
Of course, there’s always “Law and Order,” though I think watching each episode four times, which I’ve already done, is sufficient.