Two journalists were gunned down doing a morning live shot on TV. The two issues struck me – on the one hand, Donald Trump's campaign strategy seems to be making stupid statements and being a “loser”, to borrow his favorite word about others, and two young journalists at the start of their careers and coupled life gunned down for no good reason.
Donald Trump seemed not important. And he isn’t. But he is leading the pack for the GOP presidential nomination and, while I still don’t believe he can win, he ought to be taken more seriously.
Those two journalists’ deaths are a tragedy, not a strong enough word. Trump this morning blamed it on mental health. He said the man was sick (I agree) and that those around the man should have noticed and done something. Guns don’t shoot people, people shoot people, was basically what he said. And “others” around the killer should have institutionalized him. Lordy, Donald – do you ever listen to yourself? Yes, he displayed disturbed behavior for years, according to the stories I’ve read, and, yes, he should have been getting help. Many of us need help – and many might say you, Donald, are close to the top of that list.
I do not mean to trivialize what happened in that small Virginia town yesterday by bringing Donald Trump into it – but what struck me was, what would the situation be if he were running the country? He’d feel badly, of course. He’d be compassionate. But he’d do nothing, based on his statements. He believes in the Second Amendment, he said, a signal to that lobby that he doesn’t want to change the gun laws. He believes it’s mental health is part of the solution, and it is – but he said it was “others” who should have done something to institutionalize the man. What would he do?
That, my friends, is the question that he needs to be pressed with on every issue. With all his ranting and raving – what would Donald do??